1999 Toyota Tacoma V6

Tacoma trim Natural White exterior and Gray interior. FUEL EFFICIENT 20 MPG Hwy 17 MPG City 4WD CD Player Alloy Wheels Tow Hitch Bed Liner. 4 Star Driver Front Crash Rating. AND MORE KEY FEATURES INCLUDE CD Player Trailer Hitch. Aluminum Wheels Bed Liner Front Disc Rear Drum Brakes. Tacoma with Natural White exterior and Gray interior features a V6 Cylinder Engine with 190 HP at 4800 RPM . EXPERTS REPORT 4 Star Driver Front Crash Rating. 4 Star Passenger Front Crash Rating. Great Gas Mileage 20 MPG Hwy. WHO WE ARE Performance Toyota of Lincoln located in Lincoln NE is proud to be one of the premier dealerships in the area. From the moment you walk into our showroom you ll know our commitment to Customer Service is second to none. We strive to make your experience with Performance Toyota of Lincoln a good one for the life of your vehicle. Whether you need to Purchase Finance or Service a New or Pre-Owned Toyota you ve come to the right place. Horsepower calculations based on trim engine configuration. Fuel economy calculations based on original manufacturer data for trim engine configuration. Please confirm the accuracy of the included equipment by calling us prior to purchase.



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