Fully-furnished Apartment for Weekly Rent

You are coming to Columbus Ohio for family reunion a corporate meeting a project or just sightseeing or you are waiting for your apartment or house to be ready and you need an apartment for a few weeks and nobody in town wants to rent anything to you for such a short term. What should you do Easy Pick up your phone and call us now to get ready to move today. Columbus Apartel 3688 Cleveland Avenue. Columbus. OH43224 Reservation Hotline (614)419 3888 (614)419 4556 Here at Columbus Apartel every apartment ( one bedroom only) has all the amenity items you need for your daily need such as REFRIGERATOR STOVE MICROWAVE COFFEEMAKER TELEVISIONS IRON IRONING BOARD WINDOW AIR-CONDITIONER WRITING DESK DINGING TABLE COUCH CHAIR ETC. Cable ready and free Wi Fi. Ample and free parking on our spacious and secured parking lot. No application is needed and no lease is signed. easy in and easy out See you



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