Oakville 4 Bedroom Detached Home for Rent Dundas8th Line

Oakville 4 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms detached home for rent. Beautifully upgraded kitchen & bathrooms. Huge master bedroom with his and her walk-in closet and spacious en-suite bathroom. Hardwood floor throughout.Located at Dundas 8th line a convenient location with easy access to 407 403 QEW & Mississauga.Close to schools. Close to famous Maclachlan College Sheridan College and Appleby College. High school is White Oak Secondary (High ranking and is the only one that provide IB program in Oakville)This is a great opportunity to enjoy your stay with children and families in the beautiful lakeshore town Oakville. At lease One year lease. Employment letter and Credit Report are required. AAA Tenants only.



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