Two bed rooms for rent in 3 bedroom house in South Winston Salem

We are currently looking to rent 2 bedrooms in a 3 bedroomhouse in south Winston Salem that we (32 42 couple reside). Would be prefer to rent to WFU students especially those in graduate school but others professionals would be considered. The rent is 450 month per room which includes utilities cable TV WiFi private bedroom shared bath with other roomate. There is a washer and drier. You will have access to stove oven. There is a fireplace and yard to use. There would be a 250 security deposit. We are a couple living in a 3 bedroom home in south Winston Salem looking for roomates for 2 bedrooms. The asking rent includes utilities. The livingroom is already furnished bedrooms are furnished but you can bring your own and we can removed the furniture already there. We can also provide a small amount of storage. A criminal backgroud may be required. We do have a dog but spends most of her time outdoors until we put her to bed at night. You will have full use of kitchen living room and most of the upstairs. Available the first week of September



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