4x4 Freightliner FL-80 Texoma Reedrill 330 Pressure Digger Drill

Texoma Reedrill 330 Pressure Digger Specs Texoma Reedrill 330 3 x 15 Kelly 15 Digging Depth Extendable and Rotating Table Winch Detroit Diesel Power Plant Funk 28105C Auto Clutch Transmission 3447 Hours Water System 4 Outriggers Mounted on 2000 Freightliner FL-80 4x4 65 389 Miles CAT 3126 Turbo Powered Diesel 250 HP 7 Speed Manual Transmission AM FM Radio Air Ride Seats Steer Tires 12R22.5 100% Drive Tires 11R22.5 100% Single Axle 187 Wheel Base 129 Cab to Axle 37 780 lbs GVWR Pintle Hitch Air Breaks Special Features Strobe System STOCK 20071 PRICE 120 000 If you purchase the pressure digger 50% of what you paid for leasing the pressure digger will go back towards the purchase of the pressure digger. Truck Max Equipment LLC. Ethan Lamb (941)544-0329



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