Marketing Director/ Advertising

Role Title Marketing Director AdvertisingPurpose of the role The Marketing Director is responsible for the planning development and implementation of all of the organization s marketing strategies marketing communications and public relations activities both external and internal. He she oversees development and implementation of support materials and services in the areas of marketing communications and public relations.What you will be doing Ensure articulation of MAII s desired image and position assure consistent communication of that image and position throughout the organization and ensure communication of image and position to all constituencies both internal and external. Be responsible for editorial direction design production and distribution of all publications. Coordinate media interest in the organization and ensure regular contact with target media and appropriate responses to media requests.Skills experience and qualities needed Demonstrated skills knowledge and experience in the design and execution of marketing communications and public relations activities. Strong creative strategic analytical organizational and personal sales skills. Experience developing and managing budgets and hiring training developing supervising and evaluating personnel. Experience overseeing the design and production of print materials and publications. Computer literacy in word processing database management and page layout. Commitment to working with shared leadership and on cross-functional teams. Strong oral and written communications skills. Ability to manage multiple projects at a time.When and where Timing is flexible.You will be volunteering in our main office in Chelsea MA USA.276 Broadway Chelsea MA 02150Contact Wladimir LahensEmail volunteers(at)ministriesofaidesinternational. orgPhone 617-250-8516Fax 617-250-8517



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