Use this cable for installations that require heavy duty power cord. Please follow your manufacturer installation instructions. AIW SEEOW (UL)600V 30AMP -50 TO 105 Degreess C. CCI STOW (UL) 600V 30 AMP Rated 60 Degrees C. CONTRACTOR SPECIAL PRICE CUT NEW Designed for extra hard usage with heavy tools equipment portable lights and power extensions. 600V 1.25 foot (local purhase you pick item up). We can ship Item to you. Shipping charges apply. Contact Willie the Cable Guy at 210-478-8407 while supplies last. Cabling Conductors are assembled round with fillers as needed. A seperator is applied over the assembly. Designed for extra hard usage with heavy tools equipment portable lights and power extensions. STO Cable STOW Cable Features Oil-resistant jacket STO & STOW Electrical Marine Wire Resists Oils Acids Alkalies Ozone Jacket Polyvinylchloride (PVC) per UL-62 STO Cable Seoow Cable Ratings Temperature Range -50 C to 105 C Voltage Rating 600 volts STO Cable STOW Cable Applications Designed for extra hard usage with heavy tools equipment portable lights and power extensions. STO Cable STOW Cable Features Oil-resistant jacket STO & STOW Electrical Marine Wire Resists Oils Acids Alkalies Ozone CCI Wire Specifications MRC Requirement Name Requirement NAME ITEM NAME CABLE POWER ELECTRICAL AAGR CROSS-SECTIONAL SHAPE STYLE 6 ROUND ABJH TEMP RATING 60.0 DEG CELSIUS ADVL CROSS SECTION OUTSIDE DIAMETER 0.760 INCHES NOMINAL AMQN CONDUCTOR QUANTITY 3 BLNZ STRAND QUANTITY PER CONDUCTOR 104 ALL CONDUCTORS CXCW CONDUCTOR FORM STRANDED ALL CONDUCTORS CXDC ROUND CONDUCTOR SIZE 10 AWG ALL CONDUCTORS CXDG STRAND AWG SIZE PER CONDUCTOR 30 ALL CONDUCTORS CXDQ CONDUCTOR ARRANGEMENT AND QUANTITY 3 SINGLES CXFK VOLTAGE RATING 600.0 MAXIMUM ROOT MEAN SQUARE (RMS) OPERATING VOLTAGE ALL CONDUCTORS HUES COLOR BLACK 1ST POSITION COVER FIRST CONDUCTOR HUES COLOR WHITE 2ND POSITION COVER SECOND CONDUCTOR HUES COLOR GREEN 3RD POSITION COVER THIRD CONDUCTOR MATT MATERIAL COPPER CORE CONDUCTOR ALL CONDUCTORS MATT MATERIAL PLASTIC 1ST POSITION PRIMARY INSULATION ALL CONDUCTORS MATT MATERIAL PLASTIC 1ST POSITION JACKET CABLE MDCL MATERIAL DOCUMENT AND CLASSIFICATION QQ-W-343 TYPE C FED SPEC SINGLE MATERIAL RESPONSE CORE CONDUCTOR ALL CONDUCTORS



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