Looking for a Room to Rent

Hi My name is Marcia McDuffie. I am a 72 year old single woman looking for a nice place to rest. I am presently homeless living in my car. I do not drink smoke weed or do drugs. I am trying to live on Social Security Disability to the tune of 900.00 a month not an easy task. I have a chuahua 10 years old house-broken and he does not bark or bite. He just loves everyone. He is my friend and partner He is family.I also have 5 cats all are fixed with shots. They are presently staying at the end of North Sellers Avenue Oakley California. They are my family too. We would very much like to have a place for all of us to relax eat sleep and be happy together. If you can provide these things please call me at 925-305-9901. Please do notcall ater 9 00 PM. Otherwise anytime during the day would be wonderful. Thank you very much God Bless You and have a great day



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