h Hi my name is KellyConverse. I live in Reno Nevada. Through out the year on paydays I have been buying 100 Southwest Airlines Gift Cards as an easier way to save money to go home during the holidays. I had started a new job 4 months ago and I wont be able to travel. I have 16 gift cards in 100 increments. I cannot get a refund on these cards and I know I can help someone else out. I will sell each 100 Southwest Gift Card unscratched for 65 each. I have receipts to show proof of purchase. I don t have paypal account and I am not willing to open an account with paypal. It takes 3-4 business day to transfer money into my bank account. I was out of work due to the flu for 8 days and I didn t have any sick time so I didn t get paid for those days and I am on the verge of having my power shut off and I really need the money like yesterday. If you have any questions you can call me or text me at 775-316-8170 or preferably email me at mycrazylife6968(at) Please serious inquiries only. Thanks



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