multiple pieces of furniture for sale from parents estate King bed with mattresses chest of drawers and dresser with mirror. Dark wood and in great condition 850.00 Dining room table with two leaves 100 long with 6 chairs (captain) and large lighted china cabinet. Made of pine and table has some knicks on top as well as chairs need recovered. Hutch is 69 in wide and 72 in tall. 850.00 3pc sectional with large ottoman Fair good condition and is from Rooms To Go (CIndy Crawford design) 300.00 Large brown entertainment cabinet with foldaway doors. Also has two side shelves that are placed on either side. Cabient is 81 tall and 48 wide and side shelves are 75.5 tall and 40 wide. 1000.00 Please call for information and multiple photos. Home is located in Moore county Aberdeen area. 910-992-6035-Matt or 910-992-6296-Michelle



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