Diamond and sapphire ring

Ladies diamond and sapphire ring. Ring is believed to have been made in the late 1940s or 1950s. The ring is 95% platinum and 5% iradium with a hand engraved shank and under carriage. It has a hand-pierced heart-shaped under gallery. The top of the ring measures 14.2mm x 14mm squared. It has sixteen round brilliant diamonds with an approximate measurement of 2.5mm 0.06 cts each with a combined weight of 0.96 cts. These diamonds are bright cut bead set. They have a clarity of SI 1 and a color of G. The center has a bezel measuring 9 x 9 mm. In the bezel are four scissor cut blue sapphires. Each has an approximate measurement of 1 x 3mm 0.02 cts with a combined weight of 0.16 cts. These stones have a medium to strong saturation of color. The center of the bezel has an illusion plate.this plate holds an old European round diamond. It has an approximate measurement of 6.36 x 6.40 x 405mm 1 cts. It has a clarity of I1 and a color of M. The ring weighs 4.4 grams. The ring was recently appraised at 5800.00 and the appraisal report will be included with the ring.



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