7 PC Dining Set Solid Wood 1 table and 6 side chairs Special Hol

Order Here www.1perfectchoice.com Salida_7_PC_Dining_Set_p cm3034t-7pc.htm Salida Acacia Wood Table Top 7 PC Dining Set Solid Wood & Wood Veneers Product Features This two toned dining group has a unique inlaid wood table top and matching chairs with padded leatherette seats. Reference CM3034T-CM3034SC Product Specs Finish Acacia Black Materials Solid Wood & Wood Veneers Usage Assembly Required Assembly Required Yes Base Style Leg Distressed Finish No Table Extension None Type of Dining Table Casual Dining Dining Table Width 3 feet 2 inches Length 5 feet 4 inches Height 30 inches Side Dining Chairs BackToFront 24 inches Height 3 feet 1 inches Seat Depth 18 inches Seat Height 18 inches Width 18 inches This listing has 1 table 6 side chairs Only other furniture and decorations are not included



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