Ricoh Digital Copier (2012) MP171 W/Fax, Scanner and Printer opt

Here is a Ricoh Aficio MP 171 Digital copier with a Reversing Automatic Document Feeder (automatic 2 sided copying). It has the Fax Scan & Printer options installed. This machine sells for 2 600.00 new and makes 17 pages per minute. This IS a professional commercial grade Copier Fax Scanner Printer and NOT cheap plastic junk that is sold in Office Supply Superstores requiring expensive toner cartridges every other week and is trashed after it breaks. This was built to perform and be serviceable and last 15 years. It weighs about 75 lbs. and measures 19 W x 19 D x 19 H. A sealed bottle of toner ( 38.00) is included with purchase and has a yield of 8 000 -10 000 pages per bottle. That is almost 2 cases (yes... cases as in 5 000 sheets of paper one case) of paper for a single 38.00 bottle of dry ink. Expect to pay .01 per page Vs. .25 per page for your current PC HP Brother etc. A penny or a quarter you decide. Ricoh copiers are one of the best built copiers hands down. This machine is made to go 300k to 400k in its life cycle. It has 74 600 on its meter and is perfect for any church small businesses such as a doctors office dentist office or any professional with limited office space that make a decent amount of paperwork and demand affordability and reliability in their office equiptment. . If your tired of buying cheap office equiptment every 2 years that need expensive cartridges after 500 copies and are paying alot of money for them and a month later replacing the toner again ... Heres the solution. These machines have counters on them. The throw aways dont. Questions FREE delivery (215) 432- 0737 Joe



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