2012 Ford F-150 SVT Raptor

NAVIGATION SYSTEM W IN-DASH SCREEN POWER MOONROOF FRONT REAR VIEW CAMERA 4.10 AXLE RATIO W ELECTRONIC LOCKING DIFFERENTIAL 6.2L EFI V8 ENGINE SVT RAPTOR SERIES ORDER CODE 6-SPEED ELECTRONIC AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION W OD & TOW HAUL MODE TUXEDO BLACK METALLIC Thank you for visiting another AutoNation Ford Valencia exclusive listing As part of America s largest automotive retailer we hold ourselves to higher standards. That s why we offer processes and guarantees you wont find anywhere else. From Smart Choice Pricing a Money-Back Guarantee Worry Free Pre-Owned Vehicles and a No-Hassle Sales Menu that offers a wide range of finance and lease programs that clearly presents all of the options and prices. This 2012 Ford F-150 SVT Raptor is backed by the Ford Certified Pre Owned Warranty which features a 172-Point Inspection by Factory-Trained technicians a 7-Year 100 000 Mile Powertrain Warranty and Special Rates and Programs that are not available to non-certified vehicles. With over 60 000 new and pre-owned vehicles from coast to coast chances are we have the exact vehicle you re looking for.



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