Canna Coco A + B 5Ltr

Canna Coco A B 5Ltr Price 36.99 Canna Coco Professional Nutrient was the first coco specific nutrient available and remains one of our very best sellers. With an A B formulation that you use throughout both vegetative and flowering growth Canna Coco Professional Nutrient contains added Humic and Fulvic acids for enhanced nutrient uptake as well as a full spectrum of nutritional elements to support your plants throughout their lives. A 2 Litre pack makes up 250 Litres of full strength nutrient. Universal formulation for Hard and Soft Water. For more information about Canna Coco A B 5Ltr Click Here Senua Hydroponics Ltd Unit 5 105 Boundary St Liverpool L5 9YJ Tel 44 (0) 151 349 0481



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