Local Coordinator for High School Exchange Program

Join our team and become an ETC Local Coordinator in the Public High School International Exchange Program (J1 Program) as sponsored by the Department of State Our exchange students come from several different countries around the world. Local Coordinators (LC s) work closely with exchange students host families and local high schools. ETC Local Coordinators are also actively involved in the recruitment of host families. Host families are volunteers who provide homes for our international high school students for either a semester or a school year. Local Coordinators earn 600- 1100 per student placed and this is paid out in increments during the time the student is in the US under the LC s supervision. This is an independent contractor position which enables you to work at home and within your own schedule although some flexibility is required. Local Coordinators must believe in the philosophy of the Exchange Visitor Program and be willing to work in accordance with ETC s mission statement policies and procedures. Local Coordinators will receive full training upon appointment and ongoing support from the local Field Manager. Qualifications - recruiting background or willingness to seek recruit volunteer host families for high school exchange students - self motivated organized well networked within community and have a flexible schedule- value teens from around the world and appreciate the cultural enrichment they bring to our schools and communities- able to problem solve and support students and host families during the students program - must be willing to host a student on a temporary basis should the need arise The Local Coordinator position is family-friendly flexible and even complements a busy schedule. We do NOT have full time positions. This position provides supplemental income ONLY. If you have a sincere desire to promote global goodwill and understanding and are willing to network and recruit host families in your community then JOIN OUR TEAM Leadership opportunities are available For additional information please contact Brenda Ferland at bferland(at)edutrav.org Education Travel and Culture www.edutrav.org



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