2009 Toyota Sienna CE 7-Passenger

AUTO 4 LIFE 1 OWNER VA INSPECTED GARAGED PRICED TO SELL In GREAT Condition and Non Smoker. Welcome to Lustine Toyota There s no substitute for a Toyota Type your sentence here. This charming 2009 Toyota Sienna is the one-owner van you have been trying to find. Leaving no detail unaddressed the engineers obviously spent considerable time designing ease of entry into and exit out of the Sienna. Designated by Consumer Guide as a 2009 Recommended Minivan. It is nicely equipped with features such as LE Extra Value Package 2 (8-Way Power Driver s Seat HomeLink Overhead Multi-Info Display Passenger-Side & Driver-Side Power Sliding Door and Trip Computer) In GREAT Condition Non Smoker 3.080 Axle Ratio 3rd row seats split-bench 4-Wheel Disc Brakes 6 Speakers ABS brakes Air Conditioning AM FM 6-CD w 6 Speakers AM FM radio Bodyside moldings Brake assist Bumpers body-color CD player Delay-of



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