Miniature Doll Face Short Hair Persians - Extremely Unique kitte

Snowshoe female standard (tiny little legs) Miniature Doll Face Short Hair Persian kittens available (now). She is a tiny kitten that will retain her kitten-like appearance into adulthood. Only 5-7 lbs. full grown. She is priced at 750 which includes the 1st set of shots & de-worming. Health guarantee also included. Not included are shipping and breeding rights. All of our kittens (at) Cathole Cattery are extremely sweet and calm b c they have been handled with love since birth. And they have been played with constantly by my family and never caged. So you will not get a shy kitten. Previous customers have emailed me back after they have been home with their new bundled and comented on how affectionate adaptible and friendly the kitten is. Snowshoe loves to cuddle and play. She gets along nicely with young children and other kittens cats. Loves to follow you around. Snowshoe would be a great companion to any family (large or small) and previous litters have adapted to homes with dogs. Contact Cathole Cattery to set up an appointment to meet Snowshoe (at) crstirt(at) or kittens(at) or view our webpage for more information. Thank you and I m looking forward to talking to you soon.



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