Sr. Diesel Mechanic - Blaine MN- 5000 Sign on Bonus - Competitiv

Equal Opportunity Employer Minority Female Disability Veteran Waste Management (WM) a Fortune 250 company is the leading provider of comprehensive waste and environmental services in North America. We are strongly committed to a foundation of operating excellence professionalism and financial strength. WM serves nearly 25 million customers in residential commercial industrial and municipal markets throughout North America through a network of collection operations transfer stations landfills recycling facilities and waste-based energy production projects. Tired of just doing preventative maintenance or working only on engines Are you ready to take the next step and work on equipment that requires a high level of skill - hydraulics electrical diagnostics - using modern maintenance practices and technologies Are you looking for that right opportunity which will allow you to use and be rewarded for your skills and ability and provide opportunity for growth Our Mechanics are trained to provide superior maintenance on both diesel equipment and at some locations on our growing fleet of CNG trucks. We care about our Mechanic s safety and show it by demanding solid safety practices of all our Mechanics and managers. Pride safety training growth opportunity great benefits rewards check us out we may be the company for you. Why work for Waste Management



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