4 BR 3.5 bath row house in Foggy Bottom

Beautiful row house for rent 3 level 4 bedroom 3.5 bath row house in Foggy Bottom on L Street between 23rd and 24th. Three bedrooms have their own private full bath and large closets. Patio area in back with a small front lawn and two parking spots in rear. Brand new windows new HVAC system and washer and dryer. Cross the street from a newly built condo complex with public library and large Cafe. Very close to Trader s Joe CVS Fitness centers and Washington Circle restaurants and metro station. Currently occupied by GW students WILL B AVAILABLE AUGUST 1 2018. Showing can be arranged. Includes Large Attic for storage Outdoor patio with grill Front gate 2 PARKING SPOTS in back of houseOne block from Foggy Bottom metro -- blue line GW University & Hospital CVS Trader Joe s Ritz Carlton & LA Sports Club Fedex Kinkos At least one year lease. 6500 month . Utilities not included. Please call 202-659-5771 or reply to this ad via email.



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