Loan Processor/Office Manager

Scottsdale based lending company is seeking a dynamic customer oriented individual to become part of their team and learn all aspects of their rapidly growing company in a swiftly evolving industry. The primary responsibilities of this position will be in the role of a Loan Processor Office Manager. The ideal candidate will have the following Impeccable communication skills to ensure high levels of customer service Strong analytical skills and a comfort level with financial calculations Be eager to learn and proactive with the ability to work with little supervision Be thorough and accurate with attention to detail Understanding of and be comfortable with marketing and networking Primary Duties will include Loan Processing Collect appropriate documentation from each applicant and deliver loan package in the time frames set by management Interact with title escrow companies in the loan closing process Manage pipeline for all originated loans Prepare loan summaries for investors Create loan and investor files Maintain knowledge of available loan products processing procedures and underwriting and general guidelines Must obtain an MLO license. Licensing expenses will be paid by the company Office Management Point of initial contact on all incoming phone calls Manage all aspects of the office Maintain all administrative files Maintain office supplies levels Social Media Management Monitor and update company website Attend and participate in networking functions and form relationships with potential referral sources Conduct marketing research and develop referral contacts (realtors builders loan officers professional and personal contacts) Develop marketing strategies Manage marketing media Compensation is DOE and will include a base salary plus incentives.



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