2011 Ford F-150 XLT

SATELLITE RADIO - BLUETOOTH - STEERING WHEEL MOUNTED AUDIO CONTROLS This is a Ford Certified Pre-Owned 2011 Ford F-150 Safety equipment includes ABS Traction control Curtain airbags... It is nicely equipped Power locks Power windows Auto... CARFAX Vehicle History Report. Passed a meticulous 172-point inspection by our factory trained technicians Includes 7 Year 100 000 Mile Limited Powertrain Warranty and 12 Month 12 000 Mile Comprehensive Warranty This Sterling Gray Metallic 2011 Ford F-150 XLT is priced to move at 31 581 Includes Complimentary GIFT with purchase Boucher has earned an A BBB Rating. Prices exclude tax title svc fee and license. Certified F-150s don t last long on our lot so contact our Boucher Ford Sales Team in Janesville to verify availability Let us show you why Boucher is the 1 Volume Ford Dealer Group in Wisconsin per zone records and has been Riding With You Every Mile for 37 years



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