New Construction Townhomes

New Homes in Mount Holly Lowest Priced New Construction Two Car Garage Townhomes in Burlington County with a 5 Year Tax Abatement Both elegant and affordable townhomes at the Villages at Parkers Mill. Proven elegant designs by Ryan Homes. Each of our new construction homes features 3 Bedrooms 2.5 baths and a two-car garage. Starting at 1 776 sq. ft. of generous living area with an oversized Living Room large Kitchen with optional island that opens to the Dining Room. Main bedroom features a walk in closet and an optional soaking tub. Our homes also come with vinyl siding with a stone water table across the front and ample driveway space Every home is ENERGY STAR certified and third-party verified including Gas 90% efficient HVAC system. A 10-year structural warranty-peace of mind you can t get in an older home. Commuter-friendly townhomes at the lowest price point east of Route 295 Located within minutes of NJTP and Routes 295 541 38 and 206 Tax Pilot Program offered by Mount Holly Township The convenience of townhome living meets the spacious design of a single family home in Ryan Homes Wexford. The main living level features a huge Living Room perfect for entertaining. A private alcove sets off a convenient Powder Room. The bright and airy Dining Area features a bank of windows and is open to a gourmet Kitchen with double-door pantry. Add the optional island for more work space. You can even add a 2 or 4 extension to the rear for even more living space. Upstairs is a luxurious Owner s Suite with a huge bedroom private owner s bath and gigantic walk-in closet with shelves. With the extensions you can choose to have a separate soaking tub and shower and dual bowl vanity. Two bedrooms with ample closet space a laundry area and a hall bath complete the second floor. Options on the lower level differ by community but all feature extra living space and an optional finished Recreation Room. The Wexford boasts traditional elevations in brick and siding some with bay windows. There are other options available. Please call for info.



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