House, Farm, Land, Buildings and More....

Great opportunity if you what your whole family on the same property This 59 acre parcel has 1 almost approved building lot at 10 acres or 20 acres and a tremendous updated 150 year old farm house that has that open flow. Also included are 8 extra large out buildings with plenty of storage a huge office building with a loading dock & finished rooms ponds and beautiful scenery. At this time the land is leased to a local farmer. DO NOT DRIVE ON PROPERTY WITHOUT APP. The roof has been replaced along with the sheathing 3 yrs.ago-new windows heater and insulation thru-out. Walk-in pantry mud room has full bath washer dryer located between sunroom and eat-in kitchen. The liv din rooms are open to each other so the room is 18x20 great for entertaining. All bedrooms are nice with large master bathroom. The 3rd floor is the attic for plenty of storage. Need to verify taxes from tax office. The outbuildings are all functional with a huge overhang for your big toys.



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