CHILDRENS LOFT BED - Custom built in Cordova

After building a great loft bed and toy box for my Granddaughter I believe that other parents would love to have them for their children. I am an experienced woodworker and have built everything from furniture to extensive outside decks. LOFT or BUNK BEDS The loft or bunk bed is custom built in Cordova and will accommodate a single day bed or similar sized mattress. (Loft bed mattress not included). I can also build one to fit a full sized mattress. Both beds styles feature a 5 step stairway for your child to get up into the loft or top bed. These beds are put together with screws and bolts (no nails) to provide sturdy and long lasting construction. All joints are glued. A removable safety rail is included in both types of beds to protect the child from falling out of the bed. This LOFT BED can be built as a BUNK BED for the same price and if you would like a separate doll house that can also be done. Loft Bed Only Child s name letters such as the RYLEE on the loft bed pictured in this ad can be cut out anywhere on the loft bed in a selection of fonts. Flowers balloons balls bats footballs stars or other items can be cut out in the front of the bed house to personalize the loft bed for girls or boys. The inside height of this loft bed house is four feet. This makes the play area quite roomy and kids can stand up while in the room to an older age. The loft bed has two doors that open and close. Windows are placed in the front and end of the bed house as well as in each door. Shelving is included inside the house under the loft bed stairs for toys etc. The headboard has rounded slats to offer strength and comfort for your child. Plywood beds can be delivered with a raw wood finish or it may be painted to your desired colors both inside and out. Solid wood beds can be left in raw wood or they can have a polyurethane finish. PRICES SINGLE OR TWIN BED Pine or birch plywood 800.00 Pine cedar aspen or poplar solid wood boards 995.00 Oak solid wood boards 1 200.00 FULL SIZED BED Pine or birch plywood 875.00 Pine cedar aspen or poplar solid wood boards 1 100.00 Oak solid wood boards 1 350.00 The optional canvas tent top is an additional 125.00. DELIVERY AND SET-UP 75.00 TOY BOXES The toy boxes are built with bench seat tops and a small backrest. I can make toy boxes which can match the bed. The toy boxes are fitted with dolly wheels so they may be moved without the need to unload them. The toy boxes can be made in most any size with or without being painted. PRICES The prices are based on the toy box size and what wood I make them from. due with your order and due upon delivery or pick-up. Payment via cash cashier s check or money order only. Your child will love them If you are interested in having me build one of these beds or toy boxes for your child kindly REPLY to this ad with your PHONE number and NAME and I will call you to discuss. John PLEASE NOTE All pricing contained herein are estimates and firm pricing will be provided once the actual design and materials have been finalized.



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