Premium Residential Flats in Godrej Nurture

Godrej Properties _ Godrej Group recently launch a new property in Noida sector 150. Godrej Nurture is an affordable property to invest in Noida Which is offering 2 3 BHK luxurious Flats at very affordable and reasonable price located at a best location Noida Sector 150 Near Yamuna Expressway Godrej Nurture offering all class Modern facilities project has a wonderful floor plan site layout And It has a different different carpet area to choose as per your need. Godrej Nurture apartment is in the close of the best schools hospitals colleges shopping areas eateries banks ATMs religious centers and commercial establishments for your daily reach. Sector 150 Noida is a well-developed zone and is the most demanded residential place of Noida to have your dream home.Project OverviewType Residential Apartments Configuration 2 3 BHK Size On Request Location Sector 150 Noida For More Info call at 9540008357Visit godrej-nurture



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