StorageMoving Sale - IndoorOutdoor - Something for All

Indoor Outdoor Storage Moving Sale - This Saturday 10 27 8 30am - and Sunday Noon - 6520 Hwy 7 South - Harrison Christmas is coming We have the perfect gifts Brand New Collectibles Furniture and Furnishings Shelving Computer Desk La-Z-Boy Chair Holiday Decorations and Figurines Collectable Dolls Toys (Kids and Adult Collector) Antiques Records and Albums Like New Respironics CPAP Machine with Accessories Brand New Foodsaver Vacuum Sealing System Bicycle Accessories Car Parts Clothes Knick-Knacks Tools Electronics Bedding and Linens Books Purses Housewares and Kitchen. And more Spooky Deals Buy1Get1 Selected Clothing and Kitchen Brand New Bookcases Weight Set and Olympic Bar More Don t miss it Saturday and Sunday. Arrive early for the best deals and a frightful good time



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