2012 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LT

This ride is really nice and it is in the most sought after color - White Diamond We won t have this long at this price so come on down today We also will provide you great service after you purchase with follow up care in our GM Certified Service Department. From Tire Rotations to Oil Changes we will take care of your Silverado. That s because every Certified Pre-Owned Vehicle comes with Owner Care our newest vehicle benefits package featuring our new exclusive 2-Year 24 000-Mile Standard CPO Maintenance Plan and a 12-Month 12 000-Mile Bumper-to-Bumper Warranty. See We didn t call it Owner Care for nothing. Text to 50123 for great car deals Message and data rates may apply. Text STOP to 50123 to stop. Text HELP to 50123 to help.



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