Mobile SPA for Kids in Florida! Perfect for sleepovers!!

Looking to plan a children s party Pamper your little princess with the experience of a day spa--we bring it to you wherever you are Our spa parties start at 299 for 8 children and includes 4 spa stations lots of fun and plenty of giggles 299 My First Spa Party for 8 kids Only 39 deposit required Enjoy a pampering retreat for your little princess 299 My First Spa Party includes Birthday Hand Pampering Station Vanilla Foot Spa Station DIY Facial Station Spa Craft Station Our Best Price Guarantee Invitations Spa Hostess much more Add on these extras for only 99 ea Zen Yoga Chair Massage Table Massage Kid s Spa Cooking Demo Kid s Cupcake Corner Zumba Dance Lesson Fashion Show Spa Robes for 8 guests Up to 8 guests for children ages 3-12 only. Each additional child is 25



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