Spacious Home. Your Dream Home is Waiting for You!! 110 Autumn C

This is a Beautiful Spacious Ranch Style Home in the well established Monrovia Neighborhood. Move in Ready. Roof was replaced last year. Fireplace in the Family Room Master bed room has a trey with an extra large closet and your own private door to the deck. Master bath has a double vanity and a jetted tub with seperate shower. The kitchen has 2 pantries. Private tree linded backyard with a deck and gazebo. Coveinient to Research Park a Fitness center Shopping plazas Churches A Bowling Alley. Convenient Stores Madison hospital and Doctor offices. and plenty more Schools Westminster Christian Academy Monrovia Middle School Calvary Baptist Academy Rainbow Elementary School Video Link TnUjp-ZbM4U. Call 931-993-3715 or 931-625-6073.



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