Real Estate Investor Seeks Unmotivated Suspicious Slacker to Tra

Real Estate Investor Seeks Unmotivated Suspicious Slacker to TrainSuccessful real estate investor with 10 years experience seeks hopeless lazy good-for-nothing low-life loser to waste his valuable time and experience to train as his protege. Candidate should currently be making as little money as possible yet already know better than the investor mentor how money in real estate SHOULD be made.Trainee should be arrogant with as few people-skills as possible. He she should live by the principle of Do what I say not what I do. He she should already be convinced opportunity is a scam and would never have worked anyway so why bother If you fit these criteria ONLY 100% OPPOSITE then you can make 10 000- 20 000 a month while learning to be a real estate investor. Please reply to this ad with a). name b). email address and c). cell phone d) why you want this or call me at 754-900-7057.Real Estate Investor Seeks Unmotivated Suspicious Slacker to TrainSuccessful real estate investor with 10 years experience seeks hopeless lazy good-for-nothing low-life loser to waste his valuable time and experience to train as his protege. Candidate should currently be making as little money as possible yet already know better than the investor mentor how money in real estate SHOULD be made.Trainee should be arrogant with as few people-skills as possible. He she should live by the principle of Do what I say not what I do. He she should already be convinced opportunity is a scam and would never have worked anyway so why bother If you fit these criteria ONLY 100% OPPOSITE then you can make 10 000- 20 000 a month while learning to be a real estate investor. Please reply to this ad with a). name b). email address and c). cell phone d) why you want this or call me at 754-900-7057.



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