I am looking for a wealthy husband 35

I am a natural 32 year old. I have a leading personality and I want to get married. I am pure nature. Financially I m protected and am a well-formed woman the natural-haired has 172cm tall and has no children. I am looking for pure physical relationship. Thou shalt not be smaller than I and only marriageable men shall I answer. I watch football love books do not go to flea markets. Riding I learned without a saddle I also have a shooting education but no hunting license. I prefer the beach more than the mountains go for a walk and take photos too. And I eat grilled meat and bratwurst. My favorite color is pink. You should be a non-smoker not tattooed and have no piercing. Honesty truth loyalty punctuality and justice are the principles I live by. I get up early love the sea the theater the opera and classical music but also rock and pop music.



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