Street Team Positions

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN WORKING IN THE MUSIC INDUSTRY We are currently looking for outgoing enthusiastic people to join our street team. Music Street Festivals & Fares Club Promotions Duties Pass out flyers stickers hand to hand at sidewalk events festivals street fairs and nightclubs Flyer sticker drops at retail stores in one or all of the targeted areas (PA NJ MD DC VA CA TX LA GA NY DE) Hold up banners and promotional materials for on goers to see doing special events. Sell cds and memorabilia Benefits Hourly compensation along with paid commission Free entry into clubs music venues sponsored by or affiliated with our company etc. A better understanding of how music is marketed and promoted Great way to develop contacts Good marketing and promotions experience and a great reference to add to your resume Free cds and memorabilia For more info contact Ted McCray (267-707-2309) or Vern Ingram (609-707-7158) Email Resumes to Vingram76(at) Make sure you put Street Team in the subject Line.



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