Looking To Hire For Many Positions

We are Aerotek Staffing Agency. Cincinnati s largest staffing agency. We are partnered with companies that are looking to hire hard working people for entry level positions into their Industry. If you are ready to graduate or just looking for a career change we have companies looking to hire. We currently have companies looking to set up interviews with people for the following Industries Real Estate Banking Industry Sales Finance Retail Insurance Mortgage Telecommuting. Teaching Restaurant Automobile Cosmetics Shipping Industry Printing Fashion If you are looking to pursue a career in any of these Industries Please send resume and your contact information. Please make sure your skills are listed in your resume Employers search for these skills and are forward your resume based on the skills they are seeking. If you are what they are looking for they will contact you. Any information provided will be used for employment purposes only and will not be used or sold to any company for any purpose. www. aerotek.com



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