Fall Specials on Trees and Shrubs

All container trees & shrubs are 40% off retail pricing. B& B and in-ground stock are discounted to wholesale pricing. Sale pricing applies to new orders only. No guarantees on discounted plant material. No shipping all plants must be picked up.Rich s Foxwillow Pines Nursery Inc. is the go-to nursery for unique trees in the Chicagoland area and the surrounding states. Many different kinds of conifers and rare trees are available including dwarf and columnar trees for small urban spaces. Weeping or angular trees make great garden specimens. Large landscape trees also available.Rich s Foxwillow Pines Nursery Inc.11618 McConnell Rd Woodstock IL 60098www.richsfoxwillowpines.comsales(at)rich sfoxwillowpines.com815-338-7442



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