Apartment (In-Law with Private Entrance)

Call or text me at 954-740-8027. Furnished in law quarters with private entrance. Includes a furnished Bedroom Bathroom with shower Separate TV Room and Small kitchen as well as private fenced in patio area. This unit is impeccable and available immediately. Newly renovated sound-proofed with a private entrance designated driveway parking convection oven microwave refrigerator freezer television and computer hutch. Rent includes electric water sewer air conditioning (controlled by landlord at about 75 degrees) free wireless internet cable TV garbage access to community clubhouse pool hot tub exercise weight room etc. This is a gated community close to I75 and Sheridan Street. Are you a single person that basically keeps to yourself Do you keep your surroundings clean and neat Are you a non-smoker with no alcohol or drug issues I am looking for a stable long-term tenant mature person that doesn t have over-night guests with very few if any visitors. An occasional family member visit is acceptable. If this ad is fitting for you Call or text me at 954-740-8027. Requirements 950 month rent with 500.00 initial deposit. Background screening and reference checks. Call 954-740-8027. Long term available with no rent increases.



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