Logitech Racing Wheel for PS2.

Logitech racing wheel for PS2. Like new. Comes with 5 racing Games. Need to Sell..Logitech Driving Force wheel with Force Feedback. Like New Call 580-399-2741. With 5 Racing Games..GRAND TURISMO 4 18 WHEELER GRAND TURISMO 3 NASCAR 2005 AND NASCAR 06. This PlayStation2 steering wheel supports Gran Turismo 3 F1 2001 Motor Mayhem NASCAR Heat 2002 The Simpsons Road Rage Test Drive and many other racing games. The wheel lets you feel the road the handling of the car and bumps walls and crashes like never before. Rubber hand grips provide comfort and precise steering control. The product includes two wheel-mounted paddles a D-pad action buttons a dual clamping system with lap attachment and realistic pedals. The D-pad provides convenient control of menu selections views and other standard directional pad controls in driving games. Four action buttons on the wheel rim provide quick access to car control functions and menu selections. You can use the two wheel-mounted paddles as gear shifters when pedals are connected or as gas and brake controls when pedals are disconnected. Four action buttons on the wheel spokes act as the L1 L2 R1 and R2 buttons of a standard PlayStation2 controller. The dual clamping system holds the wheel base tight and secure and is easy to tighten and loosen for quick installation and removal. The lap attachment provides a stable mounting surface for comfort and control when you are seated away from a table. The weighted base prevents pedals from slipping around. Ad ID 26561076



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