Officer-Loss Prevention PM - Residence Inn Boca Raton (13000EAJ)

Its a powerful feeling to belong. Its inspiring people to do more than they thought they could. Its leading the way by rolling up your sleeves to accomplish a common goal. Its taking a passion and turning it into your vision. Belonging is what it feels like to work at Marriott. If this sounds like the place for you join us. The Residence Inn Boca Raton located at 525 N.W. 77th Street Boca Raton FL 33431 is currently hiring a Officer-Loss Prevention PM. Assignments include Patrol all areas of the property assist guests with room access. Monitor Closed Circuit Televisions perimeter alarm system duress alarms and fire life safety system. Lock property entrances when required. Conduct daily physical hazard inspections. Respond to accidents contact EMS or administer 1st aid CPR as required. Assist guests employees during emergency situations. Notify appropriate individuals in the event of accidents attacks or other incidents. Defuse guest employee disturbances....



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