NJ Licensed Electrician - Ceiling fan, Recessed, LED lights, Out

Residential Commercial & Industrial electrical services company. Call us today at 855-333-9354 to schedule a free estimate. It is also our policy to beat any written estimate by 10%. Whether updating your existing home or purchasing a new one there are many instances where you may need the services of a licensed electrician. Don t take a chance with electricity - it can be dangerous if you do not take the proper precautions. Hiring a licensed electrician alleviates the chance of electrocution improper installations causing potential fire hazards and NEC code violations and always leaves you with a clean finish to your sheetrock. Services include but are not limited to Ceiling fan installation Recessed lighting installation Installation of additional outlets Installation of additional switches Electrical home inspections Installation and repair of lighting Under cabinet lights and light lift kits Chandelier installation Landline phones and cable installation Feel free to visit our website at www.lightitupelectricllc.com to learn further information about our services.



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