This house is full of treasures. It is impossible to list them all. The owner was an avid collector of all things cool and a builder of cars one in particular a stainless steel jeep which has to be seen. The garage is full of tools equiptment electrical supply plumbing carpentry outdoor tools and car parts galore from an old volvo along with other parts. The house is full of fine antique furnishings bedroom suites (2) Chippendale infuence both gorgeous and must sell. A banded mahogany dining room table with four leaves six chairs and a sweet china cabinet lots of small tables chairs artwork collectibles fine china porcelain Delft Limoge and other neat collectibles in china glassware frames books a kitchen table and six chairs a gorgeous sideboard lots of old radios glass and chrome table and end tables linens baskets camara stuff folkart an eight piece wrought iron outdoor patio set black and on and on. I am doing private appointments up until the sale date as the parking is rough at this location long driveway but nowhere to turn around and the street is a busy one so I am trying to elimanate mayhem on the date sale by allowing previewing. Tell a friend and contact me at 631-697-8402 for appointments. I am very accommodating and will work around your schedule. Thanks and please don t hestitate to call or email at suedb(at)optonline.net



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