BRAND NEW 2013 Cavco 28x56 3 Bed 2 Bath Mobile Home, Upgraded Ki

We have a brand new 2013 Cavco 28x56 doublewide home available for set up in a community of your choice or private land anywhere you like This is a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home with 1 493 square feet of living space. Included are tape and texture walls and ceilings Benchmark bathroom upgrade package and a beautifully upgraded kitchen. Comes with factory warranty Visit or call us anytime at 1-800-513-3631. Let our knowledgeable and professional team help you with the entire process of purchasing your new home Whether you have good credit bad credit or are a first time home buyer whatever the case we can help We have used our vast experience and expertise in the manufactured housing market to streamline and simplify the process of purchasing your next home saving you thousands and providing peace of mind throughout your experience.



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