Used 1997 Avanti 33 For Sale

1997 Avanti Avanti 33SP. Also known as Avanti Boats The Jet Set prior to 1994 Avanti Marine Incorporated manufactured an assorted range of Middle console Cuddy and even boats. Earning a reputation as a builder of Well Performing but safe Watercraft Avanti Marine have boats suited for Skiing or even Poker runs. Production of Avanti Marine products ended after the 2006 Model year when it was purchased by Egg Harbor Yachts. Classified as a 1997 Cigarette 33 manufactured by Avanti Racing and is based on the 1989 Cigarette Bullet Hull design. New Dynoed 496.00 cubic inch blown Big Blocks with Dyno Printouts available. 1700 plus Horsepower at just over 90 MPH. MSD 7ML Marine ignition boxes. MSD Distributors with Bronze gears to handle the Comp Cams. Billet Camshafts Brodix heads with Incanal exhaust valves and these are all high performance internal parts. Both Aeromotive Electric A1000 Fuel pumps and regulators were refurbished by Aeromotive last Summer with only one Hour of run time....



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