Academic Coordinator for High School Exchange Students!

We are hiring four Academic Coordinators to provide services for Salem and all surrounding rural areas - Turner Aumsville Stayton Amity Perrydale Dallas Falls City Kaiser Woodburn all areas North East and West of Salem. Academic Coordinators network in their communities to find host families interested in hosting high school level exchange students. We provide detailed training. We welcome former host families people who work 8-5 jobs or part time jobs stay at home moms youth group leaders educators counselors church staff anyone who loves working with teens families schools and communities. Must have a stable work history ability to work as a team staying in contact bi-weekly strong work ethic trustworthy follow through and love working with teens families schools and communities. Pay is as follows Place 1-5 students 700 per student placement Place 6-9 students 810 per student placement Place 10 or more students 920 per student placement Pay is distributed between placement fees arrival fees and monthly contacts with students families and schools. If interested please call (541) 207-3897 and I can answer your questions and further describe our position. Thank you for reading our posting



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