MUST SEE - 208 Acre Farm in Western NY on the PA Border

Large home with 7- 8 bedrooms 2 bathrooms finished basement newer large oak kitchen and attached 2 car garage. The house has base board heat with a gas boiler plus free natural gas from oil wells on the property. A new Lopi Freedom wood fireplace was installed in October 2013 and new windows were installed in August 2013. Includes a 24 foot above ground swimming pool and located in the Bolivar-Richburg Central School district. Large barn with 15 box stalls and 3 tie stalls with an outside riding ring and new equipment shed attached to the barn. There are 100 acres of timber and 108 acres of fields with plenty of pasture all fenced. The property has a gravel pit and three ponds with two of them stocked. Great hunting and fishing. Asking 325 000 without OGM rights and 525 000 with all OGM rights call 585-928-1746. Serious inquires only. There is an additional 11 acres of land available for purchase that is attached to the farm with a gravel pit and right-of-way to Route 417.



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