!!!!Move In Special 50% Off First 30 Days on RV Parking Space @

Come to SmartStop Self Storage located conveniently located close to Summerlin at 8501 W. Charleston Blvd. Blow out sale 9x20 parking space easy access units are only 117 month. We just lowerd the prices. Receive the 50% off the first 30 days move in special Don t wait these savings won t last. Limited units are available. Come see why its all about convenience. Smaller property with only one floor. Never go upstairs. Units close to the gate for even more convenience. We offer 7 Day access 24 hour Kiosk Individual Door Alarms Code Access into Hallways Uncovered Small RV Auto & Boat Parking Drive up access First Floor Air Cooled Units Drive Up Units Moving Supplies Gated Facility Computerized Gate Access High Ceilings Online bill pay Auto pay Smart phone app Inventory tracker (PAY ANYTIME ANY WHERE ) SAVE MONEY AND SPACE MAKE US YOUR STORE DON T MISS OUT ON OUR MOVE-IN SPECIALS These are just a few of our great DEALS TEL 702. 240-4440 FAX 702. 240-0674 or stop in (at) 8501 W. Charleston Blvd Las Vegas Nevada 89117 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Pricing subject to change We have it all for you We look forward to seeing you soon



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