Brand New Home in Quiet Neighborhood

This 1740 SF home is brand new and in the quiet Starbuck Dairy neighborhood close to shopping and restaurants. Its stucco and stone exterior give it curb appeal. Open and light floor plan with vaulted ceilings. Bright kitchen with center island a large walk-in pantry and stainless steel appliances. The living area has terrific mountain views and a gas fireplace. There are granite countertops throughout. Private master suite plus two bedrooms and one bath. Beautiful bamboo flooring in main living area tiled baths and carpeted bedrooms. This home is handicap accessible. There is an attached 2-car garage. Relax and enjoy grilling on the private back patio with its great views of the snowcapped peaks. Seconds from access to the walking biking trail. Inclusions Refrigerator Range Oven Dishwasher Ceiling Fans



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