20.5 1991 Carerra Elite Excellent Condition

1991 Carrera Elite 20.5 ft open bow. Boat is in great shape and is turn key 350 Merc with Alpha 1 drive. Drive was completley gone through last summer. This boat is solid. Trailer is blue and also in good shape. We put brand new tires on it last summer. New wood and carpet runners. Boat has radio Cd player with AUX plug and remote. Four 6 inch mids and 12 in box 2 amps under the drivers dash. Automatic bilge pump. Blower for engine compartment. 2 batteries. Lots of storage under the seats and ski locker. The floor also has a built in cooler. I replaced the original stock carburetor with a brand new Holly. There are 2 swim steps at the rear of boat for easy access back in from the water. I also have Tube and lots of life jackets. Have all anchors you will need. Drag anchor for deep water and slipe anchor for the beach. Bumpers for tying up to docks and all other equipment required. This is a VERY reliable boat and is also very fast 55-60 mph. Handles great and cuts through water better than most boats of this size because of it s semi deep V haul. Handles GREAT in choppy water. Seats up to 8 adults. Asking price is 8800 OBO. Need to sell ASAP any reasonable offers considered. We have more pictures if you want to see. CALL TEXT Matt 951-707-8282



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