CHRIS PADOVANO CHILDREN S BOOK ARTIST FOR HIRE It s time for you to join the ranks of Children s book writers...a writer that not only tells a story but entertains a child thru your own imaginationThere is nothing cooler than seeing your words come to life in an illustration...especially in a children s book that YOU wrote Are you looking for an artist to illustrate that special children s story you have always wanted to publish Well you found him .I have illustrated and seen published 70 childrens books...written by authors all over the world...experience knowledge competetive rates and artwork that attracts children to your story ... ...and if you need advice on how to submit your story to a major publisher or self publish I ll gladly help the author s I have worked with in the past will tell you I don t disappear when the artwork is doneMy portfolio AND FOR MORE INFO ON BECOMING A CHILDREN S BOOK AUTHOR CHECK OUT



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