2011 Honda CR-V EX-L

CR-V EX-L AWD CLEAN CARFAX HONDA CERTIFIED and ONE OWNER . The Schaller Auto World EDGE Isn t it time for a Honda This 2011 CR-V is for Honda nuts who are aching for a fantastic low-mileage SUV. Consumer Guide Compact Car Best Buy. It s as fresh an example as you ll find on the market and will still look as good as new for years to come. Honda Certified Pre-Owned means you not only get the reassurance of a 12mo 12 000 mile limited warranty but also up to a 7yr 100k mile powertrain warranty a 150-point inspection reconditioning and a complete CARFAX vehicle history report. Schaller now has TWO used car locations New Britain & Berlin. Please call 860-826-2023 to confirm this vehicle s location Family owned and operated for over 55 years Schaller Auto Group is known for selling top quality used vehicles and standing behind them after the sale All of our vehicles go through our 125 point quality inspection. If it doesn t meet our standards we don t sell it All of our Pre-Owned vehicles come with a FREE Carfax Vehicle History Report Additionally select Schaller Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles come with a 6 month 6 000 mile power-train guarantee AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE Ask a sales associate for details.



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