Looking for House to Rent for DecJan Move Please

I am a professional human aged male of 4X. Am trying to get out of this ever increasing expensive one bedroom (now 890) because I am not saving a dime here. Looking to move into a safe quiet area around in December but no later than January as I have to give one month notice from here. Just going to repeat two key words... safe & quiet. I seek a house to rent NOT another annually high increasing apartment complex. I seek a place that is within easy reach for me for certain points in Durham Raleigh and Wake Forest within 10-20 miles are whichever location a good place is found to be. I am not going to be able to calculate distances until I know what potential place you got for me so please do pass me some info. However I am not looking for places downtown Raleigh or Durham or south of 440.Quiet OCD clean no smoking drugs drinking partying no criminal history no pets no leftoversThe more bedrooms space the better.Unless it is 3 bedrooms in a super quiet safe house area I will not be putting in more than 800 (unless all utilities are already included). So looking for something in the less-than-800 range.I am NOT on social media sites nor do I do texting on mobile devices. Please do ask me to check a Twitter this or Facebook that. I am not going to create an account on some random site either. Please communicate via email (preferred easiest for initial contact and QAs) or phone or face to face.Thank you.



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